Archives par mot-clé : code

Utiser fd-slider avec AngularJS par l’intermédiaire d’une directive

AngularJs est un très bon framework javascript et combiné avec des plugins préexistant, il devient imbattable.

Ci-dessous, le code pour une directive pour utiliser l’excellent plugin fd-slider avec angularJs et lié par binding une textbox et un slider.

  .directive('fdSlider', ["$parse", function ($parse) {
        return function (scope, elm, attrs) {
            var scaleStr = attrs.scale || "{}";
            var scale = $.parseJSON(scaleStr);
            if ("fdSlider" in window) {
                    // Associate an input
                    inp: elm[0],
                    // Declare a step
                    step: attrs.step || 1,
                    // Declare a maxStep (for keyboard users)
                    maxStep: attrs.step || 1,
                    // Min value
                    min: attrs.min || 1,
                    // Max value
                    max: attrs.max || 100,
                    // Define a scale (multiple points supported, I'm just using one for the
                    // demo)
                    scale: scale,
                    callbacks : {
                        "change": [function(inp) {
                            scope.$apply(attrs.sliderModel + "=" + inp.value);
                    // Use the "jump to click point" animation
                    animation: "jump"

et un exemple de code html utilisant cette directive :

<input type="number" step="1" min="10" maxStep="100" max="30000"
                        scale='{"25": "10","50": "100","75": "1000","85": "3000","90": "10000"}'
                                slider-model="myScopeModel" fd-slider="" ng-model="myScopeModel"></div>

Votre modèle angularJs:

$scope.myScopeModel = 1000;


Tips : Geany beautify Javascript with nodejs js-beautify

One quick solution to prettify Javascript is to use js-beautify from NodeJs module beautifier.
To install js-beautify:

 npm -g install js-beautify 

Then in Geany, go to Edit-> Format -> Send selection to -> Custom command

add a command like « js-beautify –  »

Then open a javascript to beautify.

Select all, right click -> Format -> Send selection to -> js-beautify

Liftweb sample bootstrap with sbt-plugins

Project source accessible in github at

  • Lift 2.5-M3
  • sbt-runMode (development, production)
  • sbt-js
  • sbt-less
  • modernizr
  • jquery 1.8.3
  • conditional runMode snippet
  • Twitter Bootstrap included to illustrate the use of sbt shell tasks


Optimize build process in development and production by:

  • conditional compilation js and style files depending on mode configuration.
  • concat file or not
  • compress file or not
  • simplify debugging by separating files in development mode.
  • test production output easily
  • Add custom sbt task like bash script and link to actions


Uses sbt-plugins plugins.

The current version 0.6-M1 does not work properly with jetty v8. To fix this problem, you can use my fork.

In a temp directory git clone git:// 
cd sbt-plugin
clean-cache publish-local 


css and less in main/css js, coffeescript, template in main/js

These directories will be filtered and copied to resourceManaged and include in webappResources.

main js and css name : « app »

naming convention

if filename contains (rules in build.sbt)

  • .p. == production
  • .d. == development
  • .a. == add to output directory, will be included in webAppRessources path and war package.(,,


  • app.a.d.css => main css file in development and this file will be included to output directory.
  • app.a.p.js => main js file in production and this file will be included to output directory.
  • app-part.less => not parsed if not import in any « a » file.


start in development:


start in production:


stop in development:


stop in production:


dst and pst will do a stop and a start.

compile css manually:


compile js manually:


clean output:

to clean only css xxmode:less::clean
to clean only js xxmode:js::clean 


already set in .sbtrc


    alias dst=;development:stop;development:start
    alias pst=;production:stop;production:start
    alias dsl= ;development:stop;~development:start
    alias psl= ;production:stop;~production:start
    alias dstop=development:stop
    alias dstart=development:start
    alias dc = development:compile
    alias pstop=production:stop
    alias pstart=production:start
    alias pc = production:compile
    alias dclean=development:clean
    alias pclean=production:clean
    alias djclean=development:js::clean
    alias dlclean=development:less::clean



make a clean before swapping modes.

For more details on sbt-plugins, refer to sbt-plugins Readme.

To go further, I recommend you mix this project with the lift-mongo.g8 produced by Tim Nelson.